BY: Place, Nardone, Quattrocchi, Chippendale, Hull
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION (Establishes an education savings account program to assist and support the parents, guardians and caretakers of students with the materials, tutors, technology and other educational support for learning at-home or at any other remote-learning site.)
BY: Place, Quattrocchi, Chippendale, Nardone
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- CHARTER SCHOOLS (Allows charter schools to engage in nontraditional approaches to learning which must be approved by the department of education.) {LC1772/1}
BY: Chippendale, Filippi, Newberry, Nardone, Place
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - RHODE ISLAND PROMISE SCHOLARSHIP (Provides that the students with disabilities shall be eligible to participate in the state's promise scholarship program and provided with reasonable accommodations to access the opportunities.) {LC1555/1}
BY: Quattrocchi, Place, Filippi, Chippendale, Price
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- CHIARA'S LAW -- SCREENING AND EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH DYSLEXIA (Requires screening for dyslexia and related disorders for public school students in grades kindergarten through grade four (K-4) and would provide for instruction in cursive writing.)
BY: Filippi, Place
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNTS -- SCHOOL CHOICE IN-PERSON LEARNING (Establishes education savings account program/school choice in-person learning/distribution of federal funds for educational purposes during a declaration of a health care emergency by the governor.) {LC5598/1}
BY: Nardone, Chippendale, Quattrocchi, Price, Roberts
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION -- STUDENT LOAN TAX CREDIT (Allows for a tax credit up to one thousand dollars ($1,000) for any resident of the state that is obligated for a student loan, who is attending a college, university, or other post-secondary school in the state, and working within the state.) {LC4262/1}
BY: Quattrocchi, Place
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- CHIARA'S LAW -- SCREENING AND EDUCATION OF CHILDREN WITH DYSLEXIA (Requires screening for dyslexia and related disorders for public school students in grades kindergarten through grade four (K-4) and would provide for instruction in cursive writing.) {LC5136/1} |
ABOUT In Rhode Island, we are fighting the civil rights challenge of our time -- which is access to a quality education for ALL children.
COVID has only exasperated what we knew for the past two years…that if you don’t live in the right zip code in Rhode Island, and can’t afford private school, your family is destined to an uncertain future. This page highlights efforts by House Republicans to transform our failing public schools into accountable, quality learning institutions across the state. legislation20212020Social media |
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