STATE HOUSE - State Representative Michael Chippendale (R - Coventry, Foster, Glocester) was appointed to Secretary of the House of Representatives Oversight committee Tuesday. Previously a sitting member of Oversight, Rep. Chippendale is encouraged about the committee under its new leadership.
"I am looking forward to working on the priorities that taxpayers are most interested in," commented Chippendale.
"There are a number of issues the committee should be evaluating. The creation and administration of the program that allowed the 38 Studios fiasco is on the top of that list. In a conversation with the committee chair - Representative MacBeth, I've been assured that 38 Studios will be a priority. I am confident the committee will tackle this issue. As sitting members, both Rep. MacBeth and I were outspoken critics of the 38 Studios investigation and the lack of progress in getting to the bottom of this case." The House Oversight Committee was reinstituted some 16 months ago. “I had high expectations that the committee would tackle the toughest issues plaguing our state.” said Chippendale. “Not only would we investigate state-agencies, but also quasi-public agencies. The Oversight Committee would serve to protect taxpayer funds and ‘shine light’ on wasteful state programs.” “Unfortunately, I never left hearings with the feeling of accomplishment. The committee worked hard and spent long hours hearing testimony, but answers seemed just out of reach.” “Under the new House leadership, I believe the new committee assignments will enable us to delve deeper into these important matters again and find answers. It won't be easy work - this committee meets year round, but I am fully dedicated to getting back on track, and starting to address the issues that matter most to all Rhode Islanders." -30-
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