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Leader Michael Chippendale joined Katy Keiffer and Gina Fuller, hosts on this week's edition of the Resiliency Radio Hour, sponsored by the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District.
Rhode Island's Conservation Districts are housed under RIDEM and are charged with the stewardship of the State's natural resources through education, outreach, and technical assistance. They also offer their tools and expertise to assist and support local cities and towns, and private land owners. Please take a moment to listen in.
Resiliency Radio Hour
The Southern RI Conservation District hosts a weekly radio show every Thursday from 9-10am on Stereo WBQL 1230AM /103.1 FM or https://www.wblq.net/. Hosts Katy Keiffer and Gina Fuller interview guests from across the state and from a variety of backgrounds and fields about how the things they do make for a more resilient Rhode Island. You can listen to replays of the show at the WBLQ podcast page on Facebook or on the SRICD Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/SRICDInfo Southern RI Conservation District The mission of the SRICD is to promote and achieve a healthy environment and sustainable use of natural resources for the people of Kent and Washington Counties and the State of Rhode Island, now and for the future, by coordinating partners to provide technical, educational and financial resources. https://www.sricd.org/ LIKE THIS PAGE? SHARE IT WITH OTHERS |
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