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State House, Providence – Rhode Island House Minority Whip David Place offers the following statement regarding his bill, H5335aa -- pertaining to professional license portability for military spouses, being signed into law by Governor McKee:
Licensure reform is a priority in my legislative agenda, and I am pleased that my bill to assist military families, transferred to serve active duty in the State of Rhode Island, has been signed into law. The purpose of the bill provides for professional continuity for spouses of military personnel assigned to serve within the Ocean State. The law helps to prevent interruptions in obtaining that second- or third-income military families often need for every day expenses. For example, a military spouse with a license from another state to provide healthcare services, will no longer need to wait to go through time-consuming bureaucratic processes to be hired for a position in a hospital or nursing home or other healthcare facility. This is a win-win for the spouse and Rhode Island’s healthcare system, which is in dire straits due to the staffing shortages.
I would like to extend my appreciation to my colleague, Senator Walter Felag, Jr. for his support of our military families stationed in Rhode Island and his tireless efforts to move this important legislation through the Rhode Island Senate. LIKE THIS PAGE? SHARE IT WITH OTHERS |
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