State House, Providence – House Republican Representatives Robert Quattrocchi and Sherry Roberts issue the following statements regarding the revocation of the University of Rhode Island Honorary Degree to Rhode Island native, General Michael Flynn:
Representative Robert Quattrocchi:
“I find the “cancel culture” crusade on the campus of the University of Rhode Island, led by President Marc Parlange, to be absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. Rhode Island’s great patriot and war hero, General Michael Flynn, served our country with honor. The recommendation by URI to discredit General Flynn solely based on political discourse, lacks the fundamental intellectual capacity and inclusivity for a modern institution of higher learning and must be overturned immediately. Rhode Island was founded on the principles of independent thinking. It is a shame that URI has forgotten our core values. Perhaps the proposition that should be up for consideration is to revoke the contract of the new president. Our students deserve better.” Representative Sherry Roberts: “URI President Parlange states in his letter that, “As a civic institution, URI has the privilege and responsibility to sustain and preserve American democracy by ensuring and modeling good citizenship,” and that “revoking these honorary degrees reinforces our values and allows us to lead with truth and integrity.” “First, the purpose of the University is to educate students. It is not to play politics, nor to act as judge and jury of General Flynn by stripping him of his accomplishments, which were rightfully earned, simply because Parlange doesn't agree with Flynn on the political issues of the day. What example does this set for students who attend URI if they don't have confidence that the University won't strip them of their rightful accomplishments in the future? For Parlange to state that his decisions "are based on the preservation of American democracy and modeling good decisions", when in fact Parlange's attempt at playing politics is in direct violation of the very values he claims he wants to preserve. To treat the decorated General Flynn, who has so honorably served his country, with such contempt under the guise of democracy is not only the direct opposite of "modeling good behavior," but it is reprehensibly the direct opposite of truth, integrity and democracy.”
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