Representative Lyle joins in call for DOT to reverse decision to delay repaving Route 14611/20/2019
State House, Providence, RI - Representative Jack Lyle, Jr. is joining his colleagues in government in efforts to get infrastructure improvements for Route 146 expedited with Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT). Recently, RIDOT announced that they intend to delay repaving of Route 146 between Route 295 and the 146A split originally scheduled for 2022 to 2024 due to “evaluation of pavement conditions and funding availability.”
In a letter to the North Smithfield Town Council, Representative Lyle wrote:
“I write in whole-hearted support of your resolution requesting the Rhode Island State Planning Council (SPC) and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) to reconsider approval of Major Amendment #19, which authorized the start date delays for Route 146. Eddie Dowling Highway (I 295 – Route 146 A) to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). I join my colleagues in government, in a bi-partisan effort, to address this pressing need. Route 146 is a main gateway for Rhode Island residents, tourists and businesses and is deserving of immediate attention. I look forward to working with the members of the North Smithfield Town Council, my House Republican Caucus colleague Representative Brian Newberry, and others to resolve this problem.” Lyle represents residents and businesses in District 46, which covers portions of Lincoln and Pawtucket.
The Rhode Island House of Representatives Minority Caucus (Republican) is comprised of the following elected members representing constituents who live in the following districts throughout the Ocean State: Minority Leader, Blake Filippi, District 36 (Charlestown, South Kingstown, Westerly, New Shoreham); Minority Whip, Michael Chippendale, District 40 (Foster, Glocester, Coventry); Representative John Lyle, Jr., District 46 (Lincoln, Pawtucket); Representative George Nardone, District 28 (Coventry); Representative Brian Newberry, District 48 (North Smithfield, Burrillville); Representative David Place, District 47 (Burrillville, Glocester); Senior Deputy Minority Leader Justin Price, District 39 (Exeter, Hopkinton, Richmond); Deputy Minority Leader Robert Quattrocchi, District 41 (Scituate, Cranston); Deputy Whip Sherry Roberts, District 29 (Coventry, West Greenwich).
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